Looming LCBO strike July 5
The Ontario government is doubling down on its plan to hand $2.5 billion of public revenue from the LCBO to corporate pockets.
LCBO workers are bargaining in good faith to protect decent jobs and keep LCBO’s revenue invested in public services. And as it stands, workers are ready to negotiate to get a fair deal for all of us.
But last week, the LCBO announced it would close all LCBO stores for 2 weeks if a strike happened on July 5. This heavy-handed approach shows the employer is more willing to bully than to bargain.
Let’s be clear: No worker wants a dry summer. No worker wants to walk a picket line instead of going to work. But these workers have no choice if they want to stop the trend toward part-time and casual work and stop the give-aways to corporations and billionaires.
Here are 3 things you can do to help workers win:
Send an email Premier Doug Ford and tell him you support LCBO workers
And if you’ve already sent one, send it again and ask a friend or co-worker to do the same.
Make your support visible on social media and at your local LCBO
Take a photo of yourself holding this poster and post it to social media. (And if you can’t print the poster, make your own hand-written sign).
Please also tag us @fairwagesnow and @OPSEU and use hashtags #SuportLCBOWorkers #KeepLCBOpublic #Justice4Workers #LCBOStrike so we can find and share your posts.
Here’s a sample social media post:
I 💙 LCBO workers!
➡️ 70% of LCBO workers are casual & insecure. Let's reverse this trend here & everywhere. #SupportLCBOWorkers
➡️ Ontario needs the $2.5 billion in annual LCBO revenue to fund public healthcare, education and transit. #KeepLCBOPublic
@OPSEU #Justice4Workers
You can also put up solidarity posters outside LCBO stores and busy intersections.
- Join an in-person solidarity outreach action
Find a local action on our Justice for Workers events page or email us at [email protected] if you want to organize an event yourself. And if there is a strike on July 5, you can find a picket line here where you can drop by to show your support.
Keep LCBO Public
LCBO workers, members of the Ontario Public Sector Employees Union, published a fantastic leaflet addressing common misinformation being put out by the employer, and we’ve added it as the centre spread of our own Justice for Workers leaflet.
When we buy from the LCBO, we know that our money is going toward the public services that we all depend on, like healthcare, education and public transit. But when we buy from a grocery chain the profit will go straight to corporate pockets.
A win for LCBO workers is a win for public services, for decent work and for the future of our communities. Let’s make sure we have their backs.