If you love health care, support nurses and health workers!

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From hospitals to home care and from clinics to long-term care, nurses and health workers are standing up for:

  • More staffing and better patient care;
  • Decent working conditions and less burnout; and
  • Publicly-funded and publicly-delivered health care for all.

We know that decent work and wages are the foundation of quality patient care in our public health care system. At the same time, COVID has shown us that safe and healthy workplaces for everyone - including at least 10 employer-paid sick days for all - are a matter of public health. When we all have safe and healthy work, there’s less workplace contagion, fewer injuries, and more time to actually recover from illness. Decent work saves everyone money and takes pressure off our public health care system.

That's why we're asking YOU to support nurses -- and all health workers -- who are negotiating fair wages and working conditions. When nurses and health workers win their demands, it makes it easier for all of us to demand -- and win -- decent work and wages and good public health care. 

Together we can: 

  • Stop wage suppression laws (like Bill 124) preventing workers from earning fair wages; 
  • Win employer-paid sick days for all of us, whether we're part-time or full-time workers; and
  • Secure decent hours and paid time off so we all have time for friends and family.

How can you help?

Paint the Province PINK

  • Download these posters and put them up around hospitals, long-term care homes, health centres, your own community, in high traffic areas and outside MPP offices. Click here to join a local postering action near you.
  • Post Solidarity Selfies
    • Print the posters, hold them up, and take the photo of yourself, your co-workers, neighbours, or friends and family and share them on social media!
    • Whether it’s Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or TikTok - let's turn the internet pink for nurses and health care workers! 
      • Please tag your own MPP and use these hashtags so we can find your post and amplify it: #Justice4Workers #BetterCare #SupportNurses #ONpoli #EnoughisEnoughON. 
      • Download and post this sharable on all your socials: