All Power to the Imagination! The 1960s Global Revolt
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
University of Guelph
Reynold's Walk
University Centre Room 332
Guelph, ON N1G 1Y4
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
University of Guelph
Reynold's Walk
University Centre Room 332
Guelph, ON N1G 1Y4
If you missed this meeting last time, we are offering it a second time on campus.
Mass revolts in the 1960s shook every major government to the core. Peasants in Vietnam defeated the mighty U.S. empire. The Russian empire began to disintegrate. Algeria won its independence from France. Black Americans rebelled against racist violence. Students occupied universities. Workers occupied factories. The biggest general strike ever paralyzed France. It was a decade of hope for liberation from capitalism.
• What led to the crisis of the 1960s?
• How was the system stabilized?
• What factors are leading to another global rebellion?
• How can we get a better outcome next time?
• How was the system stabilized?
• What factors are leading to another global rebellion?
• How can we get a better outcome next time?
Join us for this important discussion.