Why Capitalism Hates Community


Sunday, February 16, 2025
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
42 Carden St
Guelph,, ON N1H 3A2
Before humanity divided into classes, people relied on communities to survive. They were surrounded by people who knew them and would come to their aid. Not any more.
Capitalism hates communities. For one thing, there is less opportunity for profit. Who needs to buy a washing machine when you can use the community laundry? Who needs to buy insurance when your community provides for its members?
Destroying community forces individuals to purchase what they need or go without. People without social support are lonely and anxious, and their pain is also exploited for profit.
Capitalism fears communities because they defend their members, making them harder to exploit. Bosses try to stop workers from organizing and use labour laws to criminalize solidarity actions.
We desperately need international community to solve global problems like climate change. Capitalism prevents this by dividing humanity into rival nations and setting us against each other.
This meeting will discuss how capitalism physically structures society to prevent community, scorns the very idea of social support, and promotes individualism, competition, and war instead.