Next week, Ontario NDP MPP Peggy Sattler's Bill for paid sick days is expected to be voted on. Her "Stay Home If You Are Sick Act" will legislate 10 employer-provided permanent paid sick days (plus 14 more during public health outbreaks).
If Premier Ford and Labour Minister McNaughton are "working for workers," then they should vote YES Bill 8 next week.
Tell your MPP: Vote Yes on Paid Sick Days
All Ontario workers could get paid sick days if Bill 8 passes next week!
That's why this week, we need your help to pressure your local MPP to vote YES. Here's how:
- Download and print these paid sick days posters
- Find your MPP’s office with your postal code
Anytime on Thursday, November 18, visit your MPP’s office and put up the posters.
- Share photos of your action on social media with these hashtags:
#Justice4Workers #10Days #PaidSickLeave
#PaidSickDays #CdnPoli #CanLab -
Tag supporters in the image with:
@fairwagesnow @decentworkhlth @OFLabour