Tell your MPP: Vote YES on Bill 8 for 10 paid sick days
Next week, Ontario MPPs will be voting on Peggy Sattler's Bill for paid sick days. MPP Sattler is the NDP Labour critic and her "Stay Home If You Are Sick Act" (Bill 8) would legislate 10 employer-provided permanent paid sick days (plus 14 more during public health outbreaks). Both the Liberals and Greens have pledged to support Bill 8.
Only Premier Doug Ford and his caucus stand between us and legislated, permanent paid sick days for all.
If Premier Ford and Labour Minister McNaughton are truly "working for workers" as they claim, then they too should vote YES to Bill 8 next week.
Tell your MPP: Vote Yes on Paid Sick Days
That's why we need your help to demand your local Conservative Party MPP vote YES to paid sick days next week. Here's how:
- Let us know you're coming to help
- Download and print these paid sick days posters
- Find your MPP’s office with your postal code
Anytime on Thursday, November 18, visit your MPP’s office and put up the posters.
- Share photos of your action on social media with these hashtags:
#Justice4Workers #10Days #PaidSickLeave
#PaidSickDays #CdnPoli #CanLab -
Tag supporters in the image with:
@fairwagesnow @decentworkhlth @OFLabour
Organize with us at Tuesday's Organizing meeting
A $15 minimum wage in 2022 is a huge step forward and we should be proud we created the conditions where Ford felt he had to reinstate the wage he cancelled three years ago. Workers deserve and need every additional cent they get.
But $15 not enough. Workers have been waiting too long for fair wages and basic protections like paid sick days.
That's why we need you at tomorrow's online organizing meeting on Tuesday, November 16th at 7pm. Will you join us?