CANADA: Phone Zap for Paid Sick Days

Tuesday, February 08, 2022

The federal government promised federal paid sick days and now is stalling on implementing their paid sick days law.

Join us to learn more about the current status of federal paid sick days from experts on the frontlines and to take collective action through our phones.

We will be hosting two one-hour sessions:

3:00pm PST // 6:00pm EST // 7:00pm AST // 7:30pm NST
6:00pm PST // 9:00pm EST // 10:00pm AST // 10:30pm NST

Register now to receive the Zoom link.

Event will be co-hosted with:

  • Worker Solidarity Network (BC)
  • Decent Work and Health Network
  • Justice for Workers (Nova Scotia)
  • Workers Action Network (Newfoundland and Labrador)

Will you come?

Carmelina Ramundo Scott Domenie Joy Edwards Sakura Saunders Juliet Morgan Pamela Charron Rebecca Marcus Beixi Liu Wynne Baker Alisa Gayle Martha Burbano Katrin MacPhee Jordyn Perreault-Laird Mark Nichols Zuzana Betkova Henry Evans-Tenbrinke Amrit Randay Anelyse Weiler Stephanie Sarmiento Matthew Freedlander Tracey Mackinnon Louella vincent Simon Stephen venice McMahon Diana McConnell Lisa Descary Peter Hogarth Robyn Letson julia howe Monika Dutt Don Sugden Niki Najm-Abadi Don McBain Linda Bernard Ashley Foresi Scott Florence Pam Frache Anne-Marie Gardner Nicole Abbott Sara Moriarity Kay Miller Hannah Wood Savitri Sinanan Mark Cunningham Quinlan Jones Sheryl Cortez Ani Chénier Ed Smith