Decent Work Organizing Meeting


Tuesday, March 14, 2023
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

This meeting will be held online using Zoom. There will be ASL and live captions provided in English. Please RSVP to receive a link to join the meeting.  

Here’s what we’ll be discussing at the meeting:

  • Paid Sick Days: Premier Doug Ford’s temporary and inadequate paid sick leave scheme is set to expire on March 31. This will make it harder for workers to protect themselves from illness and add more pressure to Ontario’s overburdened health system.
  • Solidarity with nurses: Bargaining has broken down for nurses, but the fight isn’t over. This is why we need to keep painting the province PINK and make sure the Ford government understands that decent work is central to publicly-funded and publicly-delivered healthcare.
  • Solidarity with education workers: School boards across the province are tabling austerity budgets that could result in thousands of job losses for the very education workers who led the successful fight against Bill 28.
  • Enough is Enough: With the affordability crisis in full swing, we need to win real wage increases, starting with a $20 minimum wage and an end to wage-suppression laws (like Bill 124) that cap our wages below inflation. The Ontario Federation of Labour’s Enough is Enough campaign has the potential to link all our struggles together. From good jobs and decent wages to strong public services and healthy communities and from Ontario Works to Ontario Disability Support programs that should allow everyone to live with dignity, we stand united to say “Enough is Enough." And if we organize effectively, we have a chance to show our power in mass actions across the province on June 3.
  • Status for All Rally on March 19:  Premier Doug Ford and federal Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre fear our unity and solidarity. They want to deflect our legitimate anger at crumbling social services and low wages by blaming migrants for the crisis in healthcare and education and for the rising cost of living. But this is rubbish, designed to weaken our movement as Syed Hussan explains in this article published by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. That's why we’ll be joining the Regularization and Status for All Day of Action on March 19 – and we hope you will, too!