Will you VOTE for decent work champions?
It's time to elect decent work champions. We know there's so much information during an election it can be a challenge to focus on the issues that matter most to us. We want to make it easy for you. That’s why we put together this Decent Work Election Toolkit that highlights important issues like:
A $20 minimum wage for all
We don't support the Liberal plan to introduce regional wage schemes. Regional wages schemes reject equal pay for equal work, and instead pays people doing the same job less just because they live in a different region. This disastrous approach will entrench poverty by postal code and pit wages against social programs.
10 permanent paid sick days
Legislating 10 permanent, employer-paid sick days is a public health matter and a racial justice issue. Without legislation, frontline workers will continue being forced to choose between: staying home sick and losing pay or going to work with symptoms.
Doubling Ontario's social assistance rates
Doubling Ontario Works (OW) and Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) benefits would mean many more of us can live in dignity. But we must keep fighting to ensure everyone has at least $500/week in income, whether it comes from wages, social assistance, workers' compensation, Employment Insurance, or Canada Pension Plan.
Ending the practice of “deeming” that hurts injured workers
Too many injured workers live in poverty. “Deeming” is the WSIB practice of cutting injured workers' compensation rates by the income they would receive in a minimum wage job, even though the person is not actually working. On June 2, we can vote to end this cruelty once and for all.
Who are the Decent Work Champions this election?
Here's the current list of candidates who pledged to go beyond the party platforms to fight for a bold vision for decent work. If you know of a decent work champion running in this election, who hasn’t yet signed the pledge, please invite them to do so.
Make a plan to vote
For many of us, it can feel like our vote doesn't matter. And after a hard day's work, a trip to the polling station may seem like just another chore. But with so many tight races underway, every single vote matters. And let's not forget: voting for decent work champions sends an important message to both politicians and pundits alike that the majority of Ontarians support stronger protections at work.
Make a plan now to vote for decent work champions. To learn more about how and where to vote, visit Elections Ontario.
Provincial organizing meeting: Tuesday, June 7
No matter who wins the election, we must keep building the strength of our movement.
Don’t miss our next Ontario-wide organizing meeting at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, June 7. This meeting will give us a chance to debrief the provincial election as well as strategize about the next steps for our decent work movement.
Will you join us next Tuesday at 7:00 pm?
Because of you, we've put decent work squarely on the agenda. And on Thursday, June 2, we'll be counting on you to vote for YOUR decent work champion.